PMC Co., Ltd, incorporated on September 20th, 1974
PMC Building, 1-23-5 Higashi-Azabu, Minato-ku, 106-0044 Tokyo, Japan
CapitalJPY 50 Millions
TurnoverJPY 708 Millions in 2022

Groupe des Consultants Français au Japon (founding member)
BNP Paribas Trade Development, OSCI, BPI, etc.
Number of Employees
5 partners, totalling more than 150 years of experience in Japan:
Gael Austin, Martial Meyssignac, Regis Verin, Fabien Debaecker, Pascal Train

43 staff + contract part-timers + expert advisors
Speak Japanese, French, English, Spanish, German
Areas of Expertise
Healthcare, Lifestyle & Luxury, Food & Foodtech, Industrial & Tech – support to Start-ups
Main Banks
Mitsubishi-UFJ Bank, Mitsui Sumitomo Bank, Mizuho Bank

Our Leadership Team